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Kerala (English Medium)->Std 7 Questions

Total Questions 348
how did stars form
I have done many Blogs of my own; but they haven't displayed in the student's blog.What is the reason.Please tell me ?
What is Sima and Sial ?
Who were Chahamanas ? (please give also the pronunciation for this historical word)
What is Lichen ? Give some other examples for symbiotic relationship too.
What will happen when baking soda { Sodium Bi Carbonate } is added to Vinegar / Acetic acid ? What would happen if lime water / citric acid is poured to baking soda ? Please give me the answer through a brief note and Scientific equations.
which are the five kingdoms ? who classified the world's all living beings as these 5 kingdoms?
what is meant by transitive and intransitive verbs ?
how can we make hydrogen ?
which are the powers and responsibilities of Grama Sabha
which are the importants of Industries?
what is Panchayati Raj System
what is reciprocal
Who was the third prime minister of India
what is Archimedes principle?
How to solve the algebraic equations ? Are there any simple ways to remember algebraic identities ? Which are the four main algebraic identities ? Do the algebraic identities help in finding solution for algebraic equations ?
which are the types of joints ?
Define decantation.
what is a proverb?
what is neutral ?